Live better

What a great life!

What a great life

I was cleaning up the pictures in my phone :deleting the doubles, the pictures that I take because I want to remember to check this out (so useful our phones!!), when I stop and realize that I have so many great moments in my life.

I am grateful everyday for what I have : kids that are healthy, a house that I love, the food that my husband makes everyday.  Looking at the pictures made me actually really stop. I am privileged, I live in a country (Canada) that gives lots of opportunities : job, the possibility to save up, lots of choices. I always felt that in this country (at least) we all have the same opportunities.

Just one thing, we have to get up and go get it.

And believe me I get up and move. I save money, I found the job that I love after years on waiting and persistance!

My passions : guitar, Karate, writing, reading, travel.

My dreams : Have a cottage, Publish my book, Make money with my blog.

My purpose: Be an example for my kids and show them everything is possible when we make the effort.

My plans : Rent my future cottage, travel 2-3 times a year.

What are your passions, your dreams ?

We have possibilities, let’s take them. Let’s provoke them. By planning, working hard.

Let’s be excited to woke up in the morning and go live, dream, plan.

All things can make a good life, we just have to decide what we like, our priorities, what we want to accomplish and do.

I want to hear you say it too: I have a great life💜

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