
Quotes to inspire you


Quotes are little phrases that are good for our soul. We can draw inspiration from them so that they give us the strength to continue. They can be our basis in a project. They can make us a better version of ourselves. I have compiled my favorites for you in the hope that they inspire you and give you even more confidence. I have one next to my bed and always wrote a few in my agenda.I sincerely hope that they will help you reach your full potential.

Quotes to inspire you

«There is only one success- to be able to spend your life in your own way» – Christopher Morley

Let’s stop and find out what we would really like to live and do in this life. No doubt that one can be happy with a nothing, we have the proof when we watch videos on youtube of people in the third world. They look happy and say they are. But, while it is very important to be grateful for what we already have, we should not help wanting more. Wanting to try to make our dreams come true, trying to see if we could achieve what we imagine.  Success doesn’t have to be popular and being followed by thousands (or millions) of people or having your own island. And if it is for you, then that’s okay too. Be you. Define it for yourself. What will you want in life? What makes your heart beat? What would you like to accomplish? It will be your success.



Quotes for inspiration

«Fear is not the enemy. Waiting to stop feeling afraid is»  -Marie Forleo

Whenever we want to accomplish something great for us – lose weight, buy a house, going back to school, for example- a feeling of fear comes over. We feel it, we know it when it is present. But sometimes it can also appear in a more subtle way such as: procrastination, doubt, self-sabotaging and so on. I could never afford a house! I don’t have the time to go back to school, i am already so busy! It’s so difficult to lose weight, i am not capable… We are afraid of not succeeding, of not being able to do it, of doing our thing for nothing, that it is a too long process…Will I be successful? Is it for me? The problem is, this feeling will not go away. She follows us. Because each step of the process is fraught with challenges. Then we must accept from the start, that this fear will be present. There is no point in waiting to feel ready or waiting to stop feeling afraid. We could wait for a long time. What will help us is ACTION. Our small daily steps will give us confidence to just continue one day at a time.


Quotes to inspire you

«It’s a slow process. But quitting won’t speed it up» – Unknown

We can be discouraged when we look at all the stages before accomplishing our project, our dream. But quitting certainly won’t make it move forward. We have to find ways to be more patient. We must remember that Rome was not built in a day (i know that’s an old one! A true one tho! haha). And that everyone start at O. Well, almost everyone 😉 So let’s make a plan. And let’s follow it at the pace we can. Even if it takes you longer than other people. Who is in competition? Let it not be you. The important thing is to never give up. Time will pass anyway 🙂

              Quotes to inspire you

«If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you’ll find an excuse» – Ryan Blair

There is always a way to achieve what you really want. It’s not gonna be easy. Far from there! We must remember that we have an incredible tool: the internet. Thanks to it, we can get information, reach thousands (millions of people), find all the possible ways to achieve what we want. You can find a variety of ressources there. If we really don’t want to do something: let’s just admit it. «It’s not for me»  «It doesn’t appeal to me». These words are liberating. We should avoid excuses that just don’t make sense such as: I don’t have time. Lack of time is simply a lack of interest. If we really want we will find the time.

Quotes to inspire you

«It’s just a bad day, not a bad life»

We all have sometimes a bad day. And sometimes it’s more like a few bad days. But we must not be discouraged. When everything seems to be going wrong, take a deep breath and do something that makes you happy. If it’s possible. Even if it’s a little 5 minutes. The day will eventually end. And tomorrow it will be a brand new day.


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