Bohemian,  Boho style

My Boho Jewelry collection


When I was young, my family always offered me gold jewellery, because it was precious and aunts offered to the newborns. When you are young you don’t really have a choice.You wear what your family gives you. When, you grow, you begin to slowly choose what you want and love

My mom told me that around age 6 or 7, colored jewelry attracts me: maybe like any little girl around this age? But for me, it was a love that never stopped. Until now, I never bought myself any kind of gold or silver jewelry. I just prefer colored ones: made of plastic, wood, clay, metals, beads, I really don’t care. I just have to connected with it.

One place that I love to find some: is thrift stores. You really can find beautiful ones: vintage, rare, unique. This ones below, I found it there. Two of those, it was my mother-in-law who give me! I was so surprised and impressed. She herself had taken them from such a store over 30 years ago. I was so honored that she offered them to me. She said : ”I’m sure you’re going to like them, it’s your style.” I love it when people recognize my style.

“Making jewellery is like making your own magic”

For a long time now, I make some. Made of beads: little ones most of the time. I used to do more of necklaces and bracelets.

But, not long ago, i discovered polymer clay. And I am so in love with it. It’s like playing ”Play doh”. You are free to create whatever you want: infinite possibilities. 🙂 🙂 🙂

This is the ones I created so far:



Also, I sell them on my etsy shop! Link here:

My bracelets collection!

boho jewelry collection

My necklaces – I didn’t put all of them! Also, I love to mix pendants with chokers.

boho jewelry collection



Rules for have your jewelry collection ( and most important: IN LOVE with it!)

  1. You have to connected with it
  2. Look for the jewelries section in any store you are in (sometimes  we can find beautiful ones in a store that the clothes it’s not our style)
  3. Make your own
  4. Etsy: there is sooo much talent in it. For sure, you will find some you love. Tip : type the style you want in the search bar: ex: 70’s earrings
  5. Look for some when traveling or even on little markets in the big town
  6. Thrift stores
  7. Don’t hesitate to ask your old auntie, mother-in-law if they still have some

The most important, WEAR them! And be proud! It’s incredible, the amount of people who tells me: ”Oh, this is beautiful! I have some too, but never wear them because: I forget to, i don’t have clothes that match, it’s too much, it’s too extravagant, ….”

Please, no more excuses. Don’t forget: we just have this LIFE to wear them 🙂

I would love to see your jewelry collection!!

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