
How to start your days off right

How to start your days off right

Our first actions during the day can greatly influence the course of it. We do not control what can happen during the day; unforeseen events we could name by the ton. But no need to go into details: we will be frank and tell ourselves: we have no control over our external environment. So why not focus, put our energies on what we can do. The morning is an opportunity that we have to start our day well and thus, put all the chances on our side so that the rest goes perfectly. For example, if we wake up quietly knowing exactly what to do, we will certainly leave a taste less bitter than running around having a ton of things to do. Let’s go:

To start your days off right

Prepare as much as possible the day before

If you have children like me, you know that we have a variety of things to prepare the day before: lunches, a physical education bag, papers to fill out for school and so on. The best thing to do is to do as much as possible the day before. You can do a lot of preparation in the food by for example: cut the vegetables, the fruits. Pro tip: You can begin on the sunday ( and you’ll have stock til wednesday at least) by cutting the vegetables for example in small pieces: cuncumber, carotts, pepper,etc. And the evening before day school, you put a few in each tupperware for who it is. Another trick: make the kids and the husband help you.

To start your days off right

Get up at least 1 hour before leaving for work

I am someone who snoozes at least twice (several mornings): I work hard to change this bad habit. But I always get up at least 1 hour before leaving for work. This half hour that I snooze, I wish I had it. Still, that doesn’t stop me from getting ahead on a few tasks and even being proud of myself. I have a lot of time ahead of me. But since I know I can do better, I’m working on no longer snoozing. But anyway, this extra time that i have is super precious and I strongly recommend it to you. Getting up before the rest of the family should not be taken up to do household chores. It should also not be taken to start cutting vegetables for snacks! These tasks take time and that time will pass even faster! You can take it for yourself: have your coffee or your smoothie quietly, go for a walk or a run (or both), work on your personal projects: the options are endless. You will see that this is a time that you cannot do without.


The benefits of meditation are described all over the internet. Everywhere you turn your head it seems like every person we admire are doing it ( such as Marie Forleo!). For a long time, it was one of my goals to integrate it into my routine. I also wanted to feel these benefits of calm and peace and love. That’s it , I integrated for 2 years now. I love it and yes it brings me peace and especially a feeling of satisfaction. I do it every day, unless i’m in a rush.I often had negative thoughts and worries that followed me throughout the day. But since I have been doing meditation these thoughts are gone. And if it happens that I do, it doesn’t stay long and my brain goes through a process of fixing them right away. I’m telling you, it’s magic. Our mind can heal itself much more than we think, but we have to give it some means. And I sincerely believe that meditation is one of them. The benefits of this practice are many. You will find many videos on youtube with the time you are willing to give. For me, a 10 minute guided meditation is the best! And if you want to get started, plan it in your agenda 😉

To start your days off right


It’s important to get enough sleep. We’re all different. There are lucky ones who only need 5-6 hours to function well. Others, like me, need 9 hours! With 9 hours, I am HYPER rested. But between 7 and 8 am, I also function very well and have beautiful days.We know that the worst part is to get up. But we forget it every morning haha! Get enough sleep. Get what you need to sleep. Unfortunately, that means you have to go to bed earlier. But our body and mind will thank us for it. And eventually, you will slowly be able to do what you wanted to do if you went to bed at midnight: by controlling your time better and by planning your tasks in your diary for example.

Drink a large glass of water

It is recommended to drink between 2 and 3 liters of water per day. One trick is to leave a bottle or a glass on our bedside table. No doubt you won’t finish it overnight. So, when you wake up, it may be the first thing you do as you walk quietly into your morning routine. And now a glass will already be drunk! Drinking water instead of juice or other drink is a matter of health.  Keep the other drinks for a glass on the weekends. Fill a large bottle of water. And take her with you wherever you go. It’s only a matter of time, you won’t be able to do without drinking water. Always keep a full pitcher of water on the kitchen table. Sometimes cold water does not fall very well on our stomachs. The benefits of water are numerous: better glow, weight loss, eliminates toxins, better energy and so on.

How to start your days off right

Eat a good breakfast

During the mornings of a workweek, it is not very easy to eat well. Personally, I love bread. So every morning I eat a slice of bread. But since I get up early, and therefore eat early, I always bring a second, healthier breakfast to work: such as oatmeal with fruit or a yogurt with muesli and fruit or a smoothie. It’s worth having a side list of healthy breakfast ideas. Try to include some fruit. If you cut them in advance, it would always be easier to integrate them more easily. I buy big bags of already frozen fruit, so I always have some on hand. Fruits such as: mangoes, blueberries, strawberries, mixed ones, etc. It’s much cheaper than the fresh ones! Tip: Try to do a oatmeal overnight in the fridge (plenty of delicious recipes on the internet ) and you can put the frozen fruits. Another tip: A very good purchase is a blender or a nutribullet to do your smoothies ( with the frozen fruits).




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