
How to read more

How to read more


One of my favorite hobbies is reading. I always managed to take the time to do it. What a beautiful sensation when we are  immersed in a book! It is a moment to be fully savored, because it can never last super long. Sooner or later we have to let go and do other things; whether it’s a project (working on your blog !!) or doing the dishes (that’s life!).

I have been in school for a few years in different stages of my life. (If going back to school is something that interests you, have a look at this article). It was crazy how I felt like I never had time. I felt bad when I read a book instead of a school book! But I just couldn’t help myself: I didn’t want to wait a few years before finally reading a «real» book. Besides, it was a good distraction. Whether you’re going to school or busy with personal projects, the best is to find actions which over time can become habits so that you read more. But for that, you have to find the time to do it. Here are a few tricks to help you read more:


Read at the bedtime with your kids

I always make sure my kids go to bed before bedtime so they have at least 10 minutes of reading. And very often, I joined them. Either we settle down on my bed, or I join 1 of my 2 children for reading. And I’m taking my book with me.


Do a challenge with yourself to read every day

A speaker that I appreciate a lot mentioned recently that he was reading a different book for each day of the week. About ten pages a day. I tried for a month. But i don’t really like it. I find it difficult to just read once a week, a book that i love. But another way I’ve done it for years is to read 2 books at the same time. Often a fiction and 1 personal development. And vary as its suits us, 3 days in a row on fiction and the rest of the week the personal development for example. Or simply, during your day breaks, you can read one of the books and at night, the other one. Do as you think, if you are interested in the idea, try different options.


Do a book challenge

There’s a ton of them on the internet. I love doing that, its makes me explore other kinds of books and it’s really exciting. I did one in this article, if you would like to try.


Always have a book in your handbag (or in your car)

I find it a wonderful idea! For whether you’re in a waiting room or waiting in the car. I know our first trend is to go on our cellphone but if our book is good and it is in our bag already…. Bingo! I have fun telling my husband when he goes alone inside a store: «No problem honey, take your time!» 🙂


Cut on tv

Of course, cutting the tv can certainly be a good idea;-) I also love listening to shows or movies with my husband and family. I can’t say that I listen to it a lot. An average of 5 hours a week (most on the week-ends). Sometimes more, especially on vacation. When I have time just for myself, I will move on to my personal projects: such as writing, practicing my guitar, and even doing things in the house like decluterring 😉 But a good trick if you want to find ways to read more, is to say, for each hour of tv I will equalize it with 15 minutes of reading. Or something like that. We give ourselves a little challenge and we know very well that we will even exceed this 15 minutes.


Put a book by the toilet

I think the sentence says it pretty well 🙂 You put a book on a shelf ( i put a mine on the bath) and when you know you’re going to spend a few minutes there, well you grab it. If we are able to bring our cell phone, we are well able to read a book as well.


Schedule it in your agenda.

One of our great tools  can also be used to do that. You can simply write in your agenda: “Reading time”


Go 1 time per week ( or every 2 weeks or 1 per month) to a coffee shop

Enjoying yourself by taking your book to a coffee shop.


Give it at least 15-20 pages ( Don’t read a book that you don’t feel it: even if Everybody is talking about it)

For sure, if you want to give it more than 20 pages is up to you. But, when you go on reading a book just because everybody read it… It happens on the top of the books. If everyone likes it, then it should be good right? No, not really. Think of the fact, that not everyone liked it and/or forced themselves to read it just because everyone loves it.

Lately, I was talking to my neighbour about what we were reading right now. And she told me that she was reading such a book. I told her that I had also started it but stop after about twenty pages. Then, I asked her if she liked it, she didn’t like it much but she was going to continue it (she was already 200 pages!?) but her friend had strongly suggested it. I just don’t understand why you have to continue a book you don’t like so much. I’m not saying that we should absolutely LOVE all the books we read: but we should at most find it interesting and still pretty good. We must not forget that we are talking about our time. And it’s precious.


I hope you have found some interesting ways and that you will integrate them into your daily life! Maybe you are already doing some 🙂 Feel free to leave other ways in the comments below. Talk to  you soon!

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