All about it,  Setting goals

How to keep yourself motivated


how to get motivated



With all the goals we want to accomplish, it requires an investment of our time in it EVERYDAY or almost everyday.

Do i do it everyday myself? No. Why? Because some days I procrastinate (It happens to everyone ;)) or it’s simply because that day was full of little « family things» to do already  (groceries, homework and i work full-time!) and I decide to take a break from working on them. I try not to punish myself (it’ hard!)  because I really need these days. They allow me to clear my mind and even come back with more ideas.

We certainly have a good amount of time everyday, but it’s not THAT much 😉 Our lives are very busy but we must take time to work on our projects as much as possible.

We can work our butt’s off to be more organized with our time. Because that’s really one of the only things that we can control. And we should not wait to be motivated to work on them. I’m naturally motivated by Life and by my goals 🙂 But i am definitely not always motivated. Most of the time, i just do it anyways! I said to myself that i will work on that for 15 minutes, and i end up doing a lot more.

Here are a few ideas that helps me daily on moving forward with my goals.

1. Schedule it

In a previous article, which you can find here, I talked about a working tool that I could not do without. And it’s an agenda. I use a paper one but there are some who prefer it electronic. It’s really up to you! But I suggest you highly to have one.

The goal is to write down everything you plan to do or what you have done to advance your goals. Every habit you want to add to your life. For example, in my agenda, i write the word « meditation» everyday, « exercice», « writing» «blog time».  We have to absolutely schedule it! The chances of actually doing it, are higher.

2. Keep an habit tracker

The goal is to write the habits you want to keep track on. You can keep this paper on your agenda, on your desk or even on your fridge: like that you don’t forget to check them when it’s done.

At the end of the month, it allows us to see how many times we’ve done it that month, how much we worked on it.

You can print here the habit tracker that i did!

3. Do any type of exercise

I can tell you without a doubt that one of the top reasons I feel so much motivated, it’s because I move my body everyday ( stretch, walk, dance). I can tell you that just taking a walk is going to energize you in an incredible way. It energizes your mind! As soon as we start doing it, we can’t do without it anymore. It fuels our body. But we must schedule it and prioritize it in our daily life.  Time to time, if you can do a work-out that is going to make you sweat, it’s very good! I do it at least once a week.

4. Listen to podcast and/or read a motivational book 

You don’t have to have a lot of time for that. 15 minutes is all it takes to get you pumped! Most of the time, i listen to some during my walks.

In this post, I list a few that I love to listen to.

Motivational books are also something that can motivate us tremendously. You can look in this link here, I made a list of the ones I adore.

5. Write your goals EVERYDAY.

If you haven’t do it yet: write down your goals. I personally use Rachel Hollis recommendation : to write everyday 5 things you are grateful for ( things/ thoughts that happened to you that day). And 10 dreams that you are going to accomplish. You write them like they are already done. You read it right! For example : You can read on my notebook: We bought a cottage, I am a published author, I saved 10 000$  😉

I suggest you to buy a beautiful notebook for it. And EVERYDAY, you write on it. It doesn’t take much longer than 5 minutes. I love to do it just before I sleep. It makes me reflect on the good that happened to me that day, the little things that makes our days more beautiful. And then, I write my dreams.


I hope you find nice ideas that you want to make it a try! Or maybe you already use some of them. I would love to hear you thoughts on that 🙂

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