Live better,  Self-Development

Ways to have a positive life

How to have a positive life


Of course, life is not always a field of roses. There are ups and downs, and unfortunately some people have very lows.   I may be a positive person by nature but i do, too, mindfully add simple and small gestures that brightens my days. Even on the days i don’t feel like it. It doesn’t need to be everything on the list. Any attempt on improving our day, will be rewarded internally. You will be proud, believe me. But we do have to make the decision on doing it, whatever. Those actions will improve ourselves, our lives positively. Here is a list of simple things that helps me improve my days 🙂

  1. Practice gratitude: Say thank you to the people who make feel good: your husband when he makes dinner, your mom when she listens carefully to you, your kids for being your kids.
  2. Do exercice: a walk with your family, by yourself (listening to a podcast or simply observing around you and imagining your dreams come true), a work-out from home.
  3. Write down your dreams on a book note
  4. Eat well: incorporate vegetables/ fruits on every meal
  5. Meeting with a friend for a coffee, a walk (or calling one)
  6. Organize a dinner with the family (brothers, sisters, parents)( at least once a month)
  7. Plan activities for the week-end with your family (bicycle, movie, board game, coloring)
  8. Learn something new -or something that you always wanted to learn): music instrument, blog, how to sew, how to draw, etc. There is plenty of tutorials on youtube on any sujects.
  9.  Read self development books
  10. Stop comparing yourself to others (Be inspired by them instead) Comparing yourself to others is the worst thing you can do to yourself. It lowers our confidence, and we need it so much when we pursue a dream. What we can do instead, is go to others to be inspired. Inspired by all the possibilities that can be offered to us if we do not give up
  11. Smile often—-> Remember the reasons you have for smiling (Gratitude)
  12. Show our affection to the ones we love : Give hugs and kisses to your love ones
  13. Cook with family: that is a great moment! There is always something that even the little ones can do it.
  14. Have a nice morning and evening routine. You can check mine here.
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