How to build a garment rack

clothes rack



I wanted a garment rack . One of the reasons why it’s because I can expose all my beautiful pieces of clothes. The ones that inspires me. You see, my clothes rack isn’t in my room, it is in my office in the basement. I will tell you why a little lower.

How to build one?

First, let me tell you that I wanted a solide one. Not made with plastic. One with pipes and wood.

I knew that i wouldn’t buy all pieces in one shot. I wanted to buy it slowly because 1) it’s expensive (about 150$) and 2) I wasn’t in a rush to buy it and 3) I wanted to challenge myself on buying (almost) 2 piece at a time.

Do a collage (like a scrapbook) and note the prices 

This was my collage:


I shop the pieces first, because the prices varies (not too much) but still.

If you want one that looks like mine, above is the pieces you will need.


With a plan like mine, I knew it would be easy.

For the base, my husband suggested that we put (because yes he helped build it) 2 pieces of wood glued together. He said it will make it more solid.

I could totally do it by myself, but I am just use to that my husband helps me whenever I do some ”construction”. But, believe you don’t need a degree to do this, You can do it pal! 🙂

You can find lots of different ones on the internet.

Just write how much of each pieces you will need it and check online how much it will cost you. What I did also, I went to the store with a pen and paper and I write it down exactly which piece I would buy. Because there are different sizes of pipes. It depends how high or low you want your garment. Mine is about 5 feet high, on total.

Why is my garment rack in my office?

My office is colorful

All my plans, dreams is reunited there. Sometimes, I sew. I love to hang what I did. The colors in my wardrobe is an inspiration for me. I love boho fashion. I love clothes. My clothes rack is there to inspire me.

We just have to do what it makes sense to us. If you love something, do it.

Tell me. When are you getting started with your rack?

Post a picture please 🙂

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