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How to beat the winter blues


I am not a fan of winter. I just love so much hotter days : when the sun is out, you just have to wear your flip flops…HA! Good times! But well, I live in Quebec, Canada, where winter is here for a good part of it : December til the end of March ! It’s a long time freezing, using big coats, hat, gloves, big boots. For a few years now, I have been telling my hubby to subscribe us to do skii, but we forget or last year we were too late! I really think doing some sport on the week-ends will help us enjoy more the winter time. Will try again next year!

I think it’s important to come up with things to do in winter, to have plans. We don’t need much plans in Summer, the plans come to us so easily 😀  Winter it’s definitely different : our mood goes hand to hand with the temperature most of the time, and when there is no Sun for days and weeks, it can get really hard.

The list above helps me a lot to go through winter.

Get outside to take walks as soon as temperature is lower

-30 is really though to get outside, even sometimes at -10! But there are days that the weather are so confortable. The best is, don’t think, just go for a walk before or after dinner or even in the morning. Just around the block is good enough!

Tip: Walk with a neighbor.

Have plans (for your nights)

Plans are not just for the week-ends. Make a to-do list of the things you would like to do during the week and slowly do it each night. Examples : make muffins, do a math challenge with your kids, clean up your fridge, declutter that drawer,…

Subscribe to a new course (me Karate) or try a new exercice on youtube (stretch, yoga, pilates)

Winter is the time to try something new that makes your body move. And above else, doing exercice boosts our mood. It really helps. No wonder everyone recommends it. It’s so hard at the beginning, but soon enough our bodies get use too and when we stop we realize how much it’s good for us.

Come with a new plan for this summer

Financial plan, travel plan (you want to go somewhere? with whom? how much it will cost? how long?  Plan when you will have to ask your boss, etc.)

4 months left to summer? Perfect. How many pay checks is this? Do I have time to save for this trip? It’s time to make a No Spend Challenge and make that trip possible.

Do a Summer bucket list

It’s time to think of all the beautiful things you will like to try and do next summer. Ask your kids, your hubby and write it down.

Looking forward for things helps so much our mood.

Examples : Try paddle board , go camping, organize a beach day, go hiking in this place and that place. Pinterest have full of good ideas.

Declutter your house

In the summer, you just have time to enjoy and be outside and this is why now is the time to sale your old stuff, get rid of the things that you don’t need and clean up that drawer that is being waiting for ages.


Make a bonfire outside (your house or a friend’s house) with marshmallows


Go walk in the woods 

The woods are beautiful in winter too. The harder is to get outside.


Time will pass and it will be better 🙂

Above all, we all know that is time that will reduce our winter blues. The harder is too keep doing what’s best for us when Winter Blues hits us : exercice, drink water, put our heads on our projects.

What do you think of my ideas? Do you have some? How hard it is for you in winter?

Andrêa, xoxx

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