
Goals and dreams for 2023 (What I want this year)


The beginning of the year it’s always fun and exciting! A brand new year to fill it out with new plans, ideas and get some new ones. Or just keep going with the old ones. Because, it’s not every year we can accomplish what we set too. Because life happens, or more important things came up. But I love to think there is always next year. But let’s do what we can to achieve what we planned or at least be in a road to it!

I had fun making the image below. I printed to put in my vision board at home.

  1. Volunteering : I want to volunteer regularly this year. It could be once a week or once a month. But I want it to be a regular thing. Not just sometimes I will go there. I really think that I don’t have much time to give and at the same time, I have loads of time to give. Because so much time is waisted on texting, or walking around the house. (really!) I have a busy life for sure : I work 5 days a week, 35 hours. I have 2 kids that still need me (13 and 10), I have a husband and a dog (walking the dog 2 times a day!), I exercice, i read. And I still do think that I have time. I know I will find something that fits in my week! They are plenty of organism that needs help out there.

2. New sofas are needed in my house. Literally. The ones we have are old and damaged. So we will invest in a good sofa that will fit in our small living room.

3. Save lots of money. Well I want to say that I want to save 10k. It’s my magic number. But it’s a big amount for this year. There is not much left after my pay check! If I could make some money from this blog this year…it will be so good! We will see!

4.Travel: We want to go to Paris this summer. But I don’t have much vacation this year because I just started a new position at work. So instead of a month of vacation that I have usually, I have only 2 weeks and they fall on the most expensive weeks to travel in the summer.  Maybe I will ask for 1 or 2 more weeks, but it will have to be at my expense….We will see this too!

5. Change karate belt. Me and my family started karate in October. It’s been so fun. We usually do it once a week but since January started we are trying to go twice. So before the end of the year, I will love to go from the white belt to the yellow belt. For this, I have to practice more, not only go to the course, but practice at home.

6. Finish my book. This will be the year that I will finish the book that I started writing 2 years ago. I am ashamed to say that I didn’t finish it yet. OMG!

7. Attending shows. This I decided before the end of 2022. So, I bought tickets shows as gifts for Christmas. One to go with my mother (Shania Twain), another with my husband (a comedy show) 🙂 We bought tickets to go to Cirque du Soleil. And I am going to see Elizabeth Gilbert (the author!) all by myself in April! I think it’s money well spend!

8.Visit NY. Never went. I will love to. Keep putting this goal every year.

9.Spend a night (or 2) in a tree house. Been dreaming of doing this. Looks so magical, different.

10. Be permanent in my job. I just got a new position in my job. I am so happy with it. It’s in the HR of a school board. I dreamed for years to have a position there. And now I have it, but it’s 60 days on trial. So, I CANNOT WAIT for those 60 days to end. And I be permanent after if everything goes well (3 weeks in and good so far ;)). This is big for me. I have been waiting to be permanent in  my job and in a position that I love for 6 years now.

Some dreams take more time than others to come true. Life doesn’t stop because we are waiting.

We should just keep going.

I hope you will make your cute inspirational dreams for this year!

Talk to you soon,

Andrêa xoxx


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