About Me


goals and good vibes


Welcome to my blog!

I am so glad you are here 🙂

My name is Andrêa and  I am a mom of 2, wife, daughter, sister, friend and a dreamer who enjoys life fully.

I started this blog as a side hobby to document my journey toward my many goals that i aspire to realize.

Here I am talking about everything related to dreams: tips to make them come true, how to manage better your time in order to be able to make them come true. I am no expert. I am inspired from my own experiences and from the many self-development books that i read. I love to talk about everything related to having a positive life and i love inspirational quotes.

My goal is to inspire you to get to the bottom of your dreams: it starts by making your first step. Because i am right here with you. I am too, in the journey (for a long time now) trying and working hard to reach my goals.

You can check out my goals here that I am working right now. Hoping it will inspire you to make your own list.

The hardest part is certainly getting started, but we can’t say that the following days are easier. And that’s where I come in by giving you tips to help free up your time, to give you strength by telling you that we all start somewhere. Because, it’s simply the things that i tell myself : to not give up, keeping working on it and doing the best i can.

And that we should not compare our chapter 1 to someone else’s chapter 20 (Anonymous).

I am here to tell you that I deeply believe that Anything is possible for those who dream, dare, work and never give up (Xavier Nolan).

That’s what I try to do every day of my life! Well, maybe not every day ;-), I also like to take breaks and do nothing sometimes! I have always been someone who loves to dream and make those dreams come true. Being a mom who works full time, I did not have the choice to create the time that I needed when I decided, for example, to go back to school.

I love all things personal development but I can’t help talking about other things too like everything bohemian, decoration, books and cabins in nature.  I hope that I will succeed in inspiring you and that you will find in my blog the strength to continue to make your dreams come true! I am here to listen to you, to advise you in what I can! Do not hesitate to communicate with me. I am sure we can learn from each other !


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