
7 self-help books ( that will motivate you to go after your dreams)

Books that makes us feel good

I love personal development books. They are encouraging and give us a lot of knowledge that can help us achieve our personal goals. They make us want to continue, not to give up. There are tips and advice well described. Often times I buy them because I love to highlight passages that are Wow. And in addition, I often go back to consult these books 😉

In this list, you will find development books but also a fiction novel that include personal development. At that time, it’s a 2 in 1 book! A pure pleasure! I always try to read my books in their original version (English, French or Portuguese).

Everything is figureoutable, by Marie Forleo

motivational book

Marie is an entrepreneur, writer and motivational speaker. In this book, she shows us that if we really want, we can.  This book will make you think twice on the things that you think are holding you back. You will learn how to eliminate excuses, free up your time, how to deal with Fear and many more interesting subjects.

 The 5 second rule, by Mel Robbins

motivational book

Mel is an author and motivational speaker. Her voice makes you want jump of bed and go for your dreams right away! In this book, she explain to us that we have 5 seconds to act before our brain discourages us from doing what we know we should do. Because as she says : « The difference between people who make their dreams come true and those of us who don’t is just one thing: the courage to start and the discipline to keep going » We get discourage when we think to much. And the solution is this trick: 5 seconds to do it -what we know we should be doing.

The life list, by Lori Nelson Spielman

motivational book

This one is a fiction book and a Wonderful one. It’s a page-turner! It makes us reflect on our life and on the choices we have made. Above all, it gives us hope that it is never too late to get to the bottom of our dreams.

When her mother dies, Brett Bohlinger believes that she will inherit her mother’s empire. But what she receives instead, is an old paper on which she wrote, at the age of 14, the list of things she wanted to experience.

A must-read! You will love it.

do it scared, by Ruth Soukup

motivational book


Ruth is an author of 7 books, a podcaster, motivational speaker and entrepreneur.

Fear is the number 1 thing stepping between us and our dreams! In this book she talks all about it. In it, she describes the 7 Fear Archetypes and the all the strategies to overcome your fear. You can discover your fear archetype at

Big Magic, by Elizabeth Gilbert

motivational book


Elizabeth Gilbert is a fabulous author of several books. This one is pure magic.

The author discusses the attitudes, approaches and habits that we must develop in order to make a living from our creativity. She is really encouraging and makes us believe that there is really something special inside of us.  Absolutely adore this book!

Girl, wash your face, by Rachel Hollis

Rachel Hollis wears many hats: podcaster, entrepreneur, blogger, author. She is an incredible motivational speaker who talks to you like you are her best friend. In this book she talks about all the lies we tell ourselves. While she shares a lot of personal stuff, i think we can relate very often. We can put so much of her advice into practice and learn from it. If you are ready to be encouraged and finally eliminate some lies from your life such as: I am not a good mom or I’m a terrible writer, or many more, get your hands on this book please.

Girl, stop apologizing, by Rachel Hollis

Another super encouraging book from Rachel. This book is different from the one mentioned just before. But it is in the same order of ideas. Here, she talks about the excuses that we use and the behaviors we should instead adopt. The part that i loved the most, is when she talks about the skills we should adopt in order to achieve what we want in life. It’s just a reminder that we already have them inside of us and what we need most is : « focus, time and hard work ».

Voilà, i loved a lot of more books and will post them eventually! Is there any book you read on this list? Some that you liked? Will love to read from you 🙂



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