self development podcast
Live better,  Self-Development

My 5 favorite podcasts for self-development

My 5 favorite podcast self-development

I love listening to personal development podcasts! It’s like a book but in person. Plus, you can listen to them while going for a walk, while you exercise, or even while cleaning. Often these are authors whose books I have already read but there are also others that it is through their blogs that I learned that they had a podcast. What’s also great about his is that they talk about different topics. So if there’s a day that you feel like listening to financial advice, how to stop procrastinating, or have more confidence in yourself, don’t hesitate to listen to one. It boosts your energy when you listen to nice words of encouragement like that. I made a list of the different podcasts that I like to listen to. It’s not on order of preference 🙂


  1. Marie Forleo is a motivational speaker, author, entrepreneur and your new best friend in your headphones. She shares strategies, advices on how to overcome failure, boost your energy, be more creative and so much more. She has episodes very short for when you have less time

favourite podcasts

2. Natalie Bacon is a life and business coach. Love her too 🙂 She speaks very well and clearly. She gives us tips on how to boost our self-confidence, how to change our money mindset and many more. You should get a try 🙂

favourite podcastd

3.Rachel Hollis is an very inspirational woman who is an author, blogger and motivational speaker. She has youtube videos who is short and inspiring, you should definitely check it out. Her voice makes you want to jump out of the couch and move your body!

favourite podcasts

4.David Bach is an financial author, motivational speaker and founder of You will love him for sure if you are looking for financial advice. He describes finance in easy words anyone can understand. And what i love most about him is that is doing it humbly.

favourite podcast

5. Dean Graziosi is a NY best selling author, entrepreneur, investor, a motivational speaker. His episodes are short and encourages us a lot. Like many, he started from nothing and gives us tangible advice. Love his podcast!

favourite podcasts

If you need more ideas:

  • The Ed Mylett Show
  • Earn your Happy
  • The Chase Jarvis Show
  • The Brendon Show
  • Goal Digger
  • Leonie Dawson
  • Afford Anything

One of them have an episode that you will love for sure. Happy listening 🙂

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