Money Goals

24 ways to save money without living an extreme frugal lifestyle

ways to save money


My husband is the one who showed me how to save. For years now ( since i am with him) we are doing actions that saves us hundreds a year. And i am very proud of that. But i really think we could do better like not going for sales, shop less, less going out for dinner. But this year so far, because of covid, we slowed down. Of course, it wasn’t a choice: when the restaurants are closed, you can not go. And we chose to go less to the stores. On the other hand, we increased our online shopping. But we have been good! And we saved a lot of money this year while renovating our kitchen and building outdoor furniture.

I would like to say that i am a saver. But i am not. I am more a spender. Without a doubt, i spend a lot less than most people I know. But if you want to do better with something, you cannot compare yourself with people that do less than you. But with people who do better than you. And in this case, who saves more money than you. I want to be someone who saves money. From now on, i will be. I will proclaim it myself a Saver person.  Marie Forleo says that you should call yourself the thing you want to be (not just her who says that). By saying it, it will belong to us and we will make gestures and actions that will lead us towards that. 

I made a list of things that we already do at home. They weren’t habits at the beginning but they became ones. Habits it’s the best thing EVER. When we want things to change, we must make small commitments. And slowly, eventually, they will become part of your life.

  1. Make coffee at home. Invest in a good travel mug.
  2. Instant coffee are very good too. I bring the pot to my work.
  3. Always make extra food on the dinner-like that you have lunches (and maybe some to freeze)
  4. Go to your local library more often ( no need to buy every book we want to read)
  5. Pantry check-up ( to use and to invent a new recipe)
  6. Plan your menu (before going to the grocery)
  7. Shop for clothes/gear at the end of the season
  8. Buy food in bulk and freeze. So worth it!
  9. Plan activities at home (look for board games you didn’t touch for a long time, plan a movie with popcorn)
  10. Learn a new skill (with youtube). Like that when you have free time you will go learn instead of being bored and going shopping.
  11. Review your subscriptions ( cable, phone, music ones)
  12. When buying (like furniture) go for something you really like and you will stay with it for at least 10-15 years.
  13. There is a lot of free activities  ( look in your local area, your public library)
  14. De-clutter your home and sell your stuff.
  15. Drink water: is better for you health and you don’t have to have juices/sodas in a lot of quantities at home
  16. Look for passes for the season (water park, parks, zoo). You can go often and bring your own food.
  17. Laundry : We bought the big bucket of Nellie’s Laundry soda. We can do more than a thousand loads with it! Wait for a sale, it’s really worth it.
  18. We do not use any liquid fabric softener. No need to smell good to prove that is clean. And our clothes are fine without.
  19. Only wash with cold water. The detergent does the cleaning, you do not need to use hot water.
  20. Since my kids are little i buy black winter boots. Like that, my youngest can wear his big sister’s next year.
  21. I never say no to friends/family/friends of friends who wants to give me used clothes of their children. Above all, they must be in good condition.
  22. When looking to buy something expensive: look for the reviews, wait for a sale if you can, shop the best price you can get.
  23. Clean out the fridge once a week: Make it a priority. It avoids waste.
  24. Do at least one night a week of leftovers. It can be the day you cleaned your fridge.

Please feel free to add some and tell me which one do you use ?

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